Stacey Braun Associates, Inc.


Financial Planning Essentials

Thursday, November 30, 2023
5:30PM  Register Now

It’s never too early or too late to plan for your financial future.  As North Shore School District teachers and education professionals there are many avenues to explore regarding financial strategies which are best suited to your specific needs and lifestyle. The sooner you can educate yourself about these strategies, the more time you will have to implement them and build the future that you want.

Attend this webinar to learn more about:

  • What types of insurance do you need?
  • Basic Budgeting / Credit tips
  • Investment Basics
  • How to save for your child’s college
  • Planning for Retirement
  • Basic Estate Planning

Please join us for this exciting webinar in order to learn tips, tricks, and advice on how to be best prepared when making important financial decisions.

Meet the Financial Planners from Stacey Braun Associates

Gerry McGahran
IRS Enrolled Agent
Certified Financial Planner™

Paul Kiley
Masters in Taxation
IRS Enrolled Agent
Certified Financial Planner™

David Bonington
Masters in Finance
Certified Financial Planner™

Stacey Braun Associates is the provider of the North Shore Schools Federated Employees free financial planning program. Stacey Braun Associates does not earn money from commissions. The only thing the firm’s planners “sell” is advice, which is paid for by the North Shore Schools Federated Employees Benefit Trust.