Financial Seminars
For Corporations & Unions
Our seminar topics include:

From Hired to Retired
This seminar covers all aspects of an employee/members financial planning needs throughout his/her career. The seminar reviews comprehensive financial planning themes but also provides specific advice that corresponds to different career stages.

Debt Management
This seminar is designed to help members/employees avoid, manage and/or escape debt. It reviews credit scoring, budgeting and explains the differences between “good” and “bad” debt.

Planning For Retirement
This seminar can benefit all members, not just those that are entering or contemplating retirement! It’s never too early or too late to plan for retirement. Topics reviewed include: timing, projecting retirement income/expenses, investing transitions, pension options, social security, rollovers, insurance considerations, long term care needs.

Financial Planning for New Employees/Members
This seminar is designed to help those new to your organization develop strong financial planning habits and to understand many of the financial benefits available to them. Student loan debt, 403(b) / 401(k) / defined contribution plan investing, budgeting, and setting financial objectives are all reviewed.
Understanding Your Retirement Plan: Our representative’s will learn and discuss the specific investment options and features of your organization’s retirement programs. The seminar will review the basic attributes of tax deferred investing as well as contribution limits, withdrawal features, administrative roles, allocation and investment risk determinations. This seminar is a great tool for your organization to use to help fulfill its education obligation.
The length of a seminar can be adjusted to accommodate a particular amount of time or to be included within an existing program.
In addition to creating seminars that address topical issues (i.e. What To Do In A Financial Crisis, circa 2008), we can create a specific seminar for your organization.
About Stacey Braun
In 2001, Stacey Braun created a "boutique" financial planning and investment division that is staffed with Registered Investment Advisors (RIA), Certified Financial Planners (CFP) and Enrolled Agents (EA) to assist you with our comprehensive approach to investment planning and to provide you with a wide array of financial services.