INVESTING 101: The Basics – and Beyond
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
6:00PM Register Now
A sound and carefully developed savings and investment plan is an essential part of generating wealth and building financial security. Designing such a plan requires a clear understanding of the types of accounts which are available as well as the types of securities which can be purchased. Keeping such a plan “on track” requires careful periodic review and maintenance, and successful investing also involves behavioral strategies, such as starting early, maintaining discipline, and modifying a portfolio’s allocation over time with a view to one’s age, goals, and risk tolerance.
Attend this webinar to learn more about:
- Basic features of Bonds and Stocks
- Why all Stocks are not the same
- Historical Rates of Return
- The importance of investing as early as possible
- Tax-advantaged ways to build wealth via retirement plans
- The importance of investing in accordance with personal goals and risk tolerance
- The importance of diversification
- The importance of maintaining discipline during market turmoil
- The importance of periodic portfolio review and adjustment
Meet the Financial Planners from Stacey Braun Associates
Gerry McGahran
IRS Enrolled Agent
Certified Financial Planner™
Paul Kiley
Masters in Taxation
IRS Enrolled Agent
Certified Financial Planner™
David Bonington
Masters in Finance
Certified Financial Planner™
Stacey Braun Associates is the provider of the financial counseling benefit. Meetings with planners are strictly confidential and the cost of the program is covered by your union. Stacey Braun Associates, Inc. is not affiliated with any 403(b) providers and DOES NOT sell any investment or insurance products.